Anyone near Bjuråke...
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Anyone near Bjuråker?

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Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by wompel]


I don't know if anyone reads the international forumsite so i put my request here also!

We have rented the House/Cottage "Lundatorpet",Bjuråker , Hälsingland for two weeks 24-7 untill 7-8 2010. The week before (up along the eastcoast) and the week after (border sweden-Norway) we wil travel from campingsite to campingsite. Has anyone greenlaning routes in GPS or (non-tourist) places that we should visit? We still have plans for moving to Sweden so we would like to see as much as possible!



Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by Pellson]

Hi Wompel

I believe that people will read both your submissions, but as they ar a bit undefined, maybe some people finds it a bit hard to answer you. I'm giving it a short try here, however.

First: Welcome. Both as tourist and immigrant, in the longer perspective.

Second: your upcoming trip
I presume that you will drive across the bridge from Denmark, right? In that case, the distances to and from Hälsingland are quite significant, and accordingly the routes will have to be adapted to the time available. As you not in any way hints at the timescales of your travel periods, the task of tipping you off will be a bit difficult. Also, by not in any way hinting at what kind of sights/tourist attractions you are interested in, to tip you off will be a bit tricky. There are heaps and heaps of things to see and stuff to do just along the direct highway route from that bridge to Hälsingland why some kind of limiting information would give us better possibilities to hit your areas of interest.

Please specify what amount of time you aree planning on putting into travel and some hints on what you would like to see and/or do along the road and you will find that more tips will be surfacing



Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by wompel]

We've been upto Sundsvall and stay for two weeks in a fritidhus near bjuraker untill saturday. We've seen a lot and we've been looking for a house allready.... We lost a lot of time behind a local larodriver when we wanted to get some fuel
:lol: (don't know if he's a member)Bild
Leaving B on Saturday we'll travel trough the west of sweden down to goteborg and then the ferry to denmark and then home :-( We'll be back next year!

Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by Edfors]

Welcome back Willem! :D

If you're here the second weekend in August I think that's the date for our annual summer meet, next year it will be in the Stockholm area.

Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by wompel]

Can't make it this year, next year we'll try!
