Engelsmän vill ha r...
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Engelsmän vill ha råd, ev sällskap osv Sverige norr - söder

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Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by Krister Bergknut]

Här kommer kopia på mail:

Hi and hello from a UK fellow Land Rover owner here in the UK.
Well lets start by introducing myself my names Richard hi hello and my colleague Gary who will be
traveling in his vehicle.
Just to explain we are on a expedition trip to Russia driving up through Finland then
crossing the border around the 20th of August and coming out of Russia on the 29th of
But instead of driving back down through Finland again we would like to drive down through
Sweden and see some of your outstanding countryside.
And this is where we were hoping you may be able to help us with either joining us and showing
us some sites at the same time as some offroading while heading south well this is the plan anyway LOL.
I really really hope you may be able to help us out and hope to here from you all soon.

Many Many Regards
Richard / Gary

Hi and hello from a UK fellow Land Rover owner here in the UK.
Well lets start by introducing myself my names Richard hi hello and my colleague Gary who will be
traveling in his vehicle.
Just to explain we are on a expedition trip to Russia driving up through Finland then
crossing the border around the 20th of August and coming out of Russia on the 29th of
But instead of driving back down through Finland again we would like to drive down through
Sweden and see some of your outstanding countryside.
And this is where we were hoping you may be able to help us with either joining us and showing
us some sites at the same time as some offroading while heading south well this is the plan anyway LOL.
I really really hope you may be able to help us out and hope to here from you all soon.

Many Many Regards
Richard / Gary

Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by Johannes]

Hej Krister,
Du kan skicka min mailadress till dessa gentlemen och ber att de slå en signal. Vi ska väl ta hand om dem.


Illustrious Member
Blev medlem: 2 år sedan
Inlägg: 28048
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[Originally posted by Krister Bergknut]

Nytt meddelande på samma tema/från samma grabbar finns på
Glömde var jag hade lagt det............... :( :(

