[Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]
Well, time will tell...
it's to me the first time to give my life away in strange hands, hope he's a good mechanic to get my neck fixed, don't know about he's driving a LR, that would minimize the risk, doesn't it?
Nevertheless please stay tuned, I'll be back!
Semper fidelis
[Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]
I'm a little bit late but wish you a happy new year!
Well, I'm still back in life and best of all: got a new wife!!!
We both of the two will join Sweden this year in July.
Mightbe Miss mellysch will post some questions too, anyway, we'll be glad to find out some hidden places, only known to native speakers!
So give her some days to read along, she will be insatiable to read about more and more and more...
just to read more about her (sorry, German language)
http://www.offroad-forum.de/viewtopic.p ... 01&start=0
[Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]
by the way:
in April the forum noted above will have a gathering near Berlin.
Just a little bit north of Berlin. Near the border to Poland.
I guess it's just south of Sweden!
And there will be a 5 day road book tour afterwards...
just sign in, enjoy and read this:
well the thread we talk about this event
is free to post every nonsense but sometimes it'll be funny to read some sense inner a huge sea of nonsense...