[Originally posted by Marco Glijnis]
Hello everybody,
I want to sell my Landrover 110 HC from 1988. I imported the care from Holland when I moved over to Sweden.
My question now is what can I ask for this car in Sweden? I search the internet but couldn't find a good match here in Sweden to compare.
Some details,
2,5 Diesel 63KW/86HK
Old British army, but steering wheel on lefthand.
Need some bodywork
Engine have some over pressure.
It's a heavy duty model
150 000 km on the clock
Thanks for all the help.
[Originally posted by Janne S.]
My friend bought 3 weeks ago on HT 2,5 N/A in Stockholm for 35 000kr but it was RHD.
[Originally posted by Marco Glijnis]
Thanks Janne for your answer. Do you know how the state of the car was like engine and body work?
[Originally posted by Janne S.]
Engine was overpresuricing, and bodywork was "used", but not crappy, thoug! It was like an 20 year old car is!
LOTS of tyres came with car....! It had OK MOT and it was driven daily!
[Originally posted by Marco Glijnis]
And how many miles?
[Originally posted by Janne S.]
i think it was 200 000+ km's...could been 280 000 or so! not new..!