[Originally posted by Austria-Wolf]
I did not expect to find anything in this forum in a different language than Swedish. You did your job very well!! Congratulations for the international part!!!!
phpbb I know and I think we have to open our forum to international members...
[Originally posted by Edfors]
Welcome to SLRK!
I hope someone will soon be able to answer your question about headlamp wipers.
Interesting that you have sections for both computer issues, music and others in your forum, but on the other hand you welcome more than just Land Rover vehicles
[Originally posted by Austria-Wolf]
We started as a local forum out of another big german speaking forum. We separated because we wanted to talk about more than only dates and technique. So we started forum.desert.at. The domain allready existed and only the forum had to be set up.
Some friends of us do not drive Land Rover and because we are very liberal...
For our next admin- and mod-meeting I today wrote to vote the point "International Forum"!!! That´s really a great Idea!
Computer issues and so on we have because that effects everybody very often, as well as in relation to the cars... o.k. the more modern ones
As you maybe will find out we have members from Sweden down to South Africa...
If anybody has any questions...
[Originally posted by Pellson]
Austria-Wolf skrev:Computer issues and so on we have because that effects everybody very often, as well as in relation to the cars... o.k. the more modern ones![]()
Tell me about it - just last week my brand new Freelander 2 went to "limp home at max 70 km/h" and subsequently was subject to a full reinstallation of the entire engine software. Judging from that, I bet the bloody system is made by Microsoft...
[Originally posted by Edfors]
Well, India is one of the largest export countries for software these days, so watch out for the coming versions of LR
[Originally posted by Austria-Wolf]
That´s why I drive series LR! I´m Serious!
About ten years ago i bought a new Skoda Oktavia. After one and a half year I was waiting at a traffic light and the motor rotation went more and more down. This happened more and more often. I wanted to find the carburettor to regulate this... rofl.
I drove to a mechanic and asked him too show me the carburettor, now he was laughing...
The only thing he did was connecting a laptop to the car to find mistakes... three weeks ago I sold that car and decided never again to drive a car with electronic...
[Originally posted by Austria-Wolf]
I can´t imagine that. But i think I will buy and restaurate more series III Landies.